Ree's Toejam

<previous | 04 December 2003 | next>

thankful ()

I should really set my alarm clock and nap for an hour, but first I wanna write a bit.

I've been thinking today about how people think something has to be unusual for them to be thankful for it, or else it has to something commonly considered "taken for granted".

I'm thankful for my body, which is both pleasing to many eyes and sturdy. I have never broken a bone, undergone surgery, or been hospitalized for physical ailments. I am thankful for glasses, contact lenses, safety pins, paper clips, zippers, Zoloft, and other little things that help me keep it together.

I am thankful for the weather changing from hot summer to cold winter so that I can appreciate each in turn. I love my bedroom, a place that seems uniquely mine and dreamlike in a way that no other room has been, to date. I am thankful for cats and people that understand me. I think lava lamps, soft pink scarves, leather, Google, CD-RWs, and Evanescence are heaven-sent.

I'm thankful my mother knows how to run her dishwasher, because I'm so used to hand-washing my own dishes that the dishwasher knobs and settings befuddle me. I won't say I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Yeah, I think I'm about done. I should look up links for a fellow DiaryLander, but -- I just can't right now. I -- suppose I could, strictly speaking, but -- it's mental health stuff. With my often-distorted mental state, I think that should say enough, as much as I need to say and little more. Yeah. I'm leaving myself a Post-It to remind me, setting my alarm, and napping. *stretches* Cya'll later.

posted by ree at 1:53 P.M.
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