Ree's Toejam

<previous | 08 April 2006 | next>

people: my support group ()

Oh God, the horror of my old HTML! IT burns my bleeding my eyes! Anyway.

People I might mention in my diary: (me, family, more family, house, Internet)

Ree (your host and diarist)

Yup! I'm a twentyish country girl, living in a college town in South Dakota, U.S.A. (I've been known to call my home state "South DaFuckingKota" when annoyed by things like the the extremely conservative climate here. I just mistyped that "slimate", which might actually be more accurate.) I grew up on a farm, but my family lives within city limits since my parents' divorce (finalised Jan. 2000).

You're likely to find more about me in the archives or my user profile, by the way.


My mom is an awesome lady and I hope I'm half as cool when I'm in her shoes someday -- excepting the divorce just after the 20th wedding anniversary; that I'll gladly skip. Of my brothers, Squirt is "teh c00l3s7". We like a lot of the same stuff: Earthbound for the Super Nintendo, Eternal Darkness for GameCube, James Bond on film or gaming console, that sort. TJ isn't an overtly friendly sort, but he's become much nicer now that neither of us lives with mom anymore.

My relationship with Daddy is still developing. We weren't close when I was growing up. After I learned he had been cheating on my mother regularly (the cause of their divorce), I didn't want much to do with him.

In Dec. 2003, he was diagnosed with a kidney stone, which caused some serious health problems for him. We tentatively reconciled during his recovery and get together every so often to play games and talk. It's tenuous, but good.

Family, part deux

In addition to those poor people who bear DNA resembling mine, I have some people whose friendship I prize very dearly. The most important of these is, without a doubt, my sister, Jo. We even look like sisters, but we don't share genes -- just brain cells. We often think along parallel lines, much like Squirt and I do.

I have a lovely niece in Australia, who goes my the name Psycho-Chibi here on DiaryLand, but I call her Peanut. She's a stunning artist and a beautifully open-minded human being.


I've long since moved out, but I used to share a house with some gamer friends.

First and foremost: a five-year-old in a man's body, who goes by the name Sin online. He's earned it too, I don't doubt!

My other housemates were SwanDragon, TrueBlaze, Shane, and A-dog.

One more person deserves her mention here -- Ruby, who walked on after two months of a year-long lease with a couple hundred dollars of my money. I don't know the the hell I feel about her anymore. In many ways, she was a wonderful person, but my savings account points out a flaw.


Although I'm always hopelessly behind in my online writing and roleplaying, I've made some very dear friends doing it. I've had two major centers for this. One, the SciFiVine, is long defunct, much to my misery. The other, Pro, has had some major administrative upheavals before, but if everybody hangs on tight, we'll always come through okay.

I originally met Peanut on the Vine, and several online diaries I follow belong to past or present (and, I hope, future) writing cronies. I try to keep up on the lives of people I haven't spoken with for months, in the hopes that someday, we can get together again.

Those more from the Vine: Bamf, Fluter, An'Thaya, Tserisa (who helped me realise that I was clinically and chronically depressed, and whose support helped me get the counseling I needed. I will never forget that), Jack.

Those still enlisted in Pro: Churn Dzurn, MommyRina, Mutt.

There are MANY more people online who have made great impacts on my life, but I have chosen to list only those I considered close friends. If you, dear reader, think you should have been listed, my appalling oversight is probably because I don't know you as well as I would like to. Many, MANY of my writing companions are not listed here for that reason. It's not that I don't want to be friends, it's just that we're not there quite yet.

There have also been a huge cat, an overabundance of relatives I never see, and some neighborly types. They'll be mentioned where appropriate, and only added to this listing if they appear often enough (which is doubtful).

posted by ree at 5:14 A.M.
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