Ree's Toejam

<previous | 02 December 2003 | next>

de-scrip-shun? Um. ()

OMG, Ree remembered how to login and update! She's just as shocked as you are.

I am bored out of my pretty little head. Even with all the online journals I read, people aren't updating quickly enough. I can tell, because I'm sitting here bored and fully up to date. I'm pretty sure this is one of the signs of imminent apocalypse, but I'm really not up on my Revelation. It's such a trippy book.

Anyway. My life. It's going well enough, I guess. Midway though the night, Squirt and I were awake, so I nagged him into cleaning his room. Er, sorta. I might have to run and buy a camera for the sole purpose of showing people online just what a pit his room in. He has been sleeping on his floor for months now, because his bed it piled way too high with various crap. Months. I can't imagine that. After one night on the sofa, I get fed up and end up with a spotless carpet, not that it lasts.

Anyway, we worked for hours, and almost got his bed cleared off. Seriously. He acted like I was his wife or slavedriver and used the term "nag" many times. Dude. Mom is pissed off because you won't take your clean clothes off the laundry table. If you make a place to put your clean clothes, you can make Mom less pissy. I don't think it's all that hard. He's a teenage boy, though; their brains operate nothing like mine. Except for the liking sex; we share that. And it makes the kid crazy. Hee.

What else. Oh yes. I am supposed to be keeping a "feelings journal" for my therapy. I am supposed to write down what I am feeling while I am feeling it, and also write down why I feel that way.

I feel cranky because I don't want another idle task on my hands. I feel hungry, which is odd, because I actually ate breakfast today. I feel somewhat lonely because none of my friends are online, but it's cool. I have their email addresses, muwahaha! The fools!

(Ooh, I should check my blogroll! I keep forgetting that. Nope, nothing new. Dang.)

I think I like my new counselor well enough. Yesterday was only my second appointment with her, but it went smoothly. She impressed me by asking if I wanted to stop cutting -- or to just do it less often. I'd heard horror stories about therapists making their clients sign no-harm contracts and had pretty much already decided that if she asked me to sign one, I would do it and lie through my teeth if I ended up injuring myself again.

In response, I told her that I had tried stopping completely before. It had seemed to work for awhile, but then the urge to cut myself would rise again, stronger than before, and I'd do more damage than I would have done in the time I had been not cutting myself. I also confessed that I had assumed she would insist I stop completely right away and had planned not cut so much, but lie if I did cut. I'm not a good liar at all and I told her that too. If being open with your therapist helps you heal, then boy howdy, I am on the road to wellville.

...meh. My website needs actual content. Yes, there is my poetry, but that's hosted ad-free on a domain belonging to some friends. Purr. Some stuff, though -- like a few (legal) downloads and image-intense pages (i.e. my webcomics listing) -- just don't belong on the webspace that someone else is paying for.

Angelfire has been grating on me lately. Their popups are hideous and they've gone and put the customizable ad banner in the footer, and ugly text links or plus-sized banners at the top. I don't mind plain text links, but those that pretend to be banner ads and are sized accordingly bug me. The jumbo ads are nauseating and that is that. I gotta break out my trusty Bookmarks O' Free Hosting and find me some new digs, I think. Ads are okay; popups are not. The final straw was discovering full-screen popups on exiting my own Angelfire site yesterday. I'd never bothered to click out of my own pages, I guess -- my links were coloured to indicate that they had been visited, which meant the link URLs were correct, and that was all I bothered to check. Dammit. Angelfire has the right to be buggers if they want, and I have the right to go elsewhere. *mutters* It's just a pain to move everything. Gah.

I've been on Angelfire for a couple years now, too. It was where I put any pages I bothered rescuing from the SciFiVine's lingering demise. In fact, either Angelfire or DiaryLand is the first place I used the name "Ree" online. I'm afraid I can't recall which came first, though I suspect it's DiaryLand. I have been a DiaryLander for four years in January. That's a awfully long time in Internet terms. Lots of sites I used to frequent even two years ago don't exist anymore. Yet DiaryLand is still here. It's nice, having a stable home like this.

Slashdot and PvP beckon. Sayonara for now. EDIT: Ha! I just got this posted before a "you can't update unless you're a Gold member" smackdown went into effect. See, this is the kind of behaviour that makes me consider leaving DiaryLand for Tabulas or LiveJournal, and just leaving a nice JavaScripty RSS feed on my Dland index. Yeah. *ponders that*

posted by ree at 10:52 A.M.
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