Ree's Toejam

<previous | 25 November 2003 | next>

random return-ness ()

Reposted from my LJ, since I can't think of anything better to write:

I'm back. I mean to write about what happened while I was gone, but I really don't feel up to it right now. I'm tired ... but I am healthy, as I've been telling people when they ask how I've been doing in the time they haven't seen me.

It might take me some time to compose my thoughts and write about the last week. I, er, didn't get to have my notebook with me. ... It's hard. It seems like a bad dream and yet it seems all too real, like I'll wake up any minute and be back there, waked for another awful breakfast.

I'm waxing depressed (or "dysthymia"-tic if you prefer) and it's leaving candle drippings all over my floor. I'm pretty sure that terrible pun won't make any sense to even me in the morning. Oh well....

In other news, looks like I'd better remove that Fastonline users thing. Andrew said in the Diaryland news that it's been throwing up wiggy popups and crap. I haven't noticed anything, but then I am the queen of popup blockers. Away it goes. It was a stupid toy anyway, and I should have removed it long ago. I only saw the Dland news today, or I would have been more prompt with the removal.

posted by ree at 3:08 P.M.
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