Ree's Toejam

<previous | 18 February 2003 | next>

it's official: Ruby owes me money ()

*yawns* And it's time for another infusion of artificial wakefulness aka Mountain Dew, blessed drink of the gods. Whee.

Newsflash of the moment: EarthBound is fucking addictive. No! That's not it! The real big news of late is that Ruby just fucked herself in a great big way. (I will refrain from making the obvious joke; it's not nice to poke fun at the obese.) After Sin filed a civil suit against her and lost (she swore on the stand that he threatened her life, the lying maggot), another housemate filed. Ruby signed the certified mail slip or whatever, so she got the papers, and she never filed. So, my housemate automatically won. I forget the precise amount she owes (and I wouldn't mention it here, because I don't think it's proper), but it's enough to cover utilities for more than a few months to come. That's provided she pays up, of course, and since she's broke flatter than a platter, we won't actually see the money anytime soon. The papers and legal mumbo jumbo means that we'll see it someday, though. Her wages (once she actually gets a job) can be garnished and all that.

As Sin said when he called today to give me the good news, the only thing better than winning is snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. He agreed with my awed statement that it's justice, too. In a just world, all things would happen this way. Those who wrong others will have no recourse except to atone. I like it. Gives me hope, you know? Like my life isn't going all bad.

Mutt and I has a good long chat yesterday about the writing group we both love, adore, and want to keep alive. I saved the convo, because it contained a few good creative ideas, and possibly a viable method of keeping the group alive. Here's hoping. Jack, the leader of our writing group, slunk out of my life about the same time Ruby left, and like Ruby, he never gave me a satisfactory answer as to his absence. I tend to lump the two together in my mind because of that, I suppose.

...and I can think of nothing else to write. Well bugger.

posted by ree at 1:43 P.M.
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