Ree's Toejam

<previous | 14 February 2003 | next>

what, I NEED a title? ()

Yay! It's Valentine's Day! And I'm alone!...

*tragic moan*

Though it's all my own doing, I suppose. I was supposed to get back for game night last night and I didn't. My sleep schedule has been thoroughly fucked this last week or more. Gah. Normally I would correct this by dosing myself with Mountain Dew during an insomniac night, and continue emptying my supply as the day progressed, only allowing myself to hit my mattress, dead to the world, after twilight had quite fallen.

The hardest beverage my mother is willing to stock is Diet Coke. Somebody in the spirit realm is laughing their ass off at me right now.

I'm just not revved for game night. I finally got my uni re-application turned in (they have it online! Woohoo!) so THAT is where all my imaginative energy is going. English major again and I know one of the low-level classes requires Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy, which I am currently reading anyway. It's actually pretty good, although I prefer Return of the Native, also by Hardy.

I am a lit geek. Hee. And I don't caaaaaare, la lala la!

In other news: Had to try to gently tell a fellow player of an online point-and-click Vampire game that it is not my problem is she is attacked while idle, whether or not her life is going smoothly or not. And that "vampriss" is not a word. Grr. There are people in the game with worse English, to be sure. One is the next rank above me in my city. The dear sweet chickadee can't even manage "know". Gah. My goal in the game has become to buff up so I can knock her off her perch. So, um, support proper spelling: Let me bite you. Just sign up, let yourself remain totally idle if you want, but you must register for me to drink your blood. *makes a mock fangy face that looks more like a deranged beaver*

I must force myself to be diurnal. I have got to be awake tomorrow night. Daredevil opens! Ben Affleck is no crush of mine, but he does wear skintight costume well. And Jennifer Garner's Elektra... yowza. Studio peeps already want Elektra to have her own movie. Sweet.

I so hope nobody brings their kids to this. Daredevil is not a kiddie hero. Daredevil's world, despite being the same NYC in which Spider-Man dwells, is much darker than Peter Parker would ever know. Daredevil's world is closer to Blade's than Spider-Man's.

Really hoping no ass brings kids to see this. Gah.

The landlord called me today. Yikes. Get the check in. Which is weird, because he normally waits like a month of more to cash the rent checks anyway. Nutty. And I don't know if I have money in my account, in the numbers I'd need to cover rent.

Must get a damn job. I just discovered the most irriating ad over on EZ Board. It's impossible to close in my browser, and it bobs about my screen to ensure optimal obscuration of the board content.

I had been planning to revive MoonBurnt, but if this is what blocks my way on EZ Board, I think I will save the money I would have used to buy off the ads, and upgrade my AngelFire space to include CGI or something. I mean really, can't even use JavaScript on the boards, although that's the format in which their accursed bobble-ads run? (Luckily, that means that disabling JavaScript turns the bobbing filth into a great white box, sedate within it own blank area at the foot of the page.)

I should systematically -- something. Overhaul my Dink site most likely. Yeah. *toddles off to do that*

posted by ree at 2:41 A.M.
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