Ree's Toejam

<previous | 12 February 2003 | next>

Peanut's rubbing off on me ()

Heh. Peanut tried to get me into emulators and ROMs today. Didn't quite go like she hopes it would. I hate ROM sites. They're notorious for moving without notice or abruptly overusing their bandwidth, making downloads temporarily impossible. Grr.

I do run a download section in my Dink SmallWood site, but that's different. Most of my downloads are local, all on one server, all on one account. That means either it's all usable or the entire thing is down for bandwidth overuse. That site is the ONLY thing on that account, so that any overuse doesn't interfere with my non-download pages. My non-local downloads are clearly marked as such and belong to THE most reliable site to host Dink mods. All Dink mods are legal freeware, unlike ROMs. Don't fall for that "it's ok if you own the game" crap. Nintendo of America still sees it as an illegal copy.

Which isn't going to stop me from downloading Zelda Classic, but I do inded own that cartridge and a vintage NES. It's just that the save battery is fried, and it likes to nuke my save file somewhere in the last dungeon. I can generally get that far ok, but I never get to the final boss. I always get sick of the game after playing a few dungeons in a row without a break, so I save, and when I try to fire up the NES again it saves I have no save files. GRRR.

Peanut's also trying to get me to try an SNES game called Chrono Trigger. I've only heard of it from her, but apparently it's a very big deal, excellent game, blah blah blah. She says it has great graphics and story. I say I play NES Tetris compulsively and can attain the very ending. Graphics? You mean in more than four colours on the screen, at the same time? WOW! (Actually, one of my beloved DOS games runs in 4 or 16 colour mode. Word of advice: always go for 16 colour. Four colour invariably looks like ass.)

So. Chrono Trigger. Allegedly better than the Final Fantasy games. This isn't helping my view any, since I have a hard time with the FF series. I like to jump into the shoes of a single character (Dink SmallWood, Link in Legend of Zelda, Samus Aran in Metroid -- which, though not an RPG, properly speaking, has some very RPG-like elements in the item collection pattern). Trying to manage multiple people makes my brain hurt.

Look at me. This is my life. This is how much I mismanage one life. And you want me to save the world inside this plastic console, by trying to control several people? Goodnight, folks; if the world's ending, I need to get buzzed on Mountain Dew before it happens.

Anyway. I couldn't download Chrono Trigger just to try it to appease Peanut, but the file wasn't locally hosted, and the remote account no longer existed. She also pointed me to a ROM of Earthbound, which I couldn't download because because the site went over bandwidth in mid-download. Grrr.

I hate ROM sites. I really do. I used to think following links from decrepit Dink sites was bad. (I did it to gain a sense of the history of the Dink Community, and it worked surprisingly well.) But ROM sites are worse, because they're forced to move so much more. *growls*

Despite it all, if I can get that Earthbound ROM to download, I might just have to. It's not like most people wound want to sell their cartridges of it on eBay or something. The game has a nutty sense of humour that's good at making people stare and say "WTF?!" Heh. I love it, even though I've never played it myself and only say the opening act once. Must find, must play! Needless to say, if I ever find an Earthbound cart on Swappington's or a local rummage sale, I am buying it if I have to sell the gas right out of my car's tank. I mean it. And that's a shamefully small tank, too. Aw.

Speaking of my car, it should be functional now! Yay. So sometime tomorrow I go back to my house. I gotta dig out some papers from my high school days so I can reapply to my uni before I head back though.

Peanut thinks she can't get me to like things she does? She's got me using the "XD" smiley face, mistyping "my" as "ym" because I'm so used to typing "YnM" as short for Yami no Matsuei, and I'm finally getting absorbed in Sensei! as well. I'm finding it takes a lot more to get me interested in new things lately, but once my attention is gained, it's never lost. Witness my still-growing addiction to Dink SmallWood! *g*

I'm furtively listening to "Sex Bomb" again. And envisioning Muraki of YnM as a fruity gay man, just like Peanut told me to do -- a FREAKY, fruity gay man. *nods solemnly*

Ooh. Sin has a huge collection of NES games. He also has an SNES and a fair number of games for that too. He's a gamer type, likes the RPGs, owns the original Legend of Zelda and Zelda II, despite the latter sucking. (I own 'em both too, but that has more to do with my blinding loving franchises than any game quality.) He might just own Earthbound. It was fairly widely known at one time. And if Chrono Trigger is the big SNES RPG I never heard of in its day, then he might just have that too.

Having said that, I'm pretty sure he does. I feel stupid even wondering if he would not own an RPG with such superb word-of-mouth (and lovely graphics, according to the Peanut). D'oh.

My email from my old diary (ankh) isn't working. I've had [email protected] fail before, but when I tested not a full day ago, [email protected] wasn't working either. GRR! Which means my mail isn't working EITHER, because it's a mere redirect that I set to channel through my DiaryLand email.

This is what I get for trusting a website to be stable. O_o' Yes, I should know better. Ack.

"Sensei!" is getting kinda fun. Hee. Thank you God for manga fan translators. Amen.

I have discover through roundabout means that there is a Otherkin community on LiveJournal. I've always believed my feigned dislike of LJ before, but somehow now I just feel alone. *sighs* You can take that however you please. I can't stop you anyway. Just know that you aren't automatically right in your assumptions.

Looks like the only life left in Pro is Skerv, her bro (a newer addition to the flock), the Finnish contingent, and me. The Finns seem more or less content to dwell amongst themselves, with the occasional comments about co-writing being easier when all the co's share a time zone. Which leavs me, Skerv and Slen.

It's not a large group, but with the right push... There are more. Rob's gone more or less AWOL in recent memory. Mommyrina is about but has never had overmuch time online; I suspect she still wants to pop on by when she's able. And Peanut has mentioned liking the idea of a good roleplay board, but she hasn't found one for a long time.

*considers* That might be about enough to pull something delightfully absurd and soundly silly together...

There are a great deal more potential player online, I don't doubt, but I've been in contact with none of them. It's been that way for some time.

Going through my email recently, I discovered that an invitation to rejoin some old friends on an RP board is just over a year old. A year! I've cherished that invite all this time, but only recently have I been able to offer my time with any real timetable or availability for conversation. Ah, I know better than to imagine they've forgot me, but I've no idea how they would react to me popping up again and wanting in once more, after so long gone.

What I really need is some kind of tour guide, telling me what's what. Without such a guide to assist, I'm likely to do something foolish. Like, oh, puttering about online when I have uni-related stuff to do.

Which is, of course, what I'm doing right now, with no help at all from any RP boards. They'd likely exacerbate the problem, though, and it's bad enough as is.

I did get to talk to Skerv tonight, and I promptly found my brain wandering, leaving me with nothing in particular to say. Dammit. I hate it when that happens. I need to rehearse a shpiel to feed people about revitalizing online roleplay.

I have a pretty good idea that Pro is taking its final gasps, and its demise will throw our group, already small, in disparate directions. Some will take solace in art and LARP, some will seek refuge among the new boards with names of old that still shore themselves up on EZ Board, and some might abandon roleplay for the challenge of writing solo. A few might stick around and try to revive the remains, but -- once the life has fled, that ends the game right there.

I am waxing poetic. Grr! It's because I saw a high school take on Euripides' "The Trojan Women". It would have had more effect on me if I hadn't immediately thought that the soldiers sounded like monkeys. Hee.

Peanut's wearing me down. My mom said something to me about my appearance (nothing horrible, just a comment that my outfit was funny, and it is), and my prompt mental response was "Hido~i!" Japanese, roughly, "You're so mean!"). Dangit Peanut, I don't even know your country's brand of English yet, quit throwing totally different tongues at me! THERE's a mental image... *blinks in vain attempt to dispel it*

posted by ree at 6:33 A.M.
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