Ree's Toejam

<previous | 10 February 2003 | next>

well, she's not dead.... ()

Is Andrew changing stuff around? Because the member's area CSS or something is really... different. *prods it suspiciously*

Well. I've been working on a snippet of JavaScript for some time now and I'm not making any appreciable progress. What I want to do is place a "comment?" link at the foot of each entry. When clicked, this link should make a form to add an entry to my guestbook. The form just pops into being on the page, scooting everything below it further down the page.

This is proving very difficult to do. *sighs*

I think I just don't have the grounding in JavaScript that I need to pull this off, which is irritating. I have long thought of JavaScript as the annoying pseudo-programming language that bothersome high school and middle school girls learn. You know the type. The girls who build fan pages to Britney and boy bands (and Christina and Avril and a million other meaningless teenyboppers). Those girls use JavaScript to pull off stupid image rollovers.

If I ever put an image rollover on this diary of mine, it's probably going to involve a buff dude dropping trou upon mouseover. *wicked grin*

I must say, though, while I'm on the subject, that RumbleLizard has some very nice rollovers on her diary. I've already noted as much in my profile, but hell, who reads that, right?

...I should make you all access the diaries I read list from there instead of my diary. That'd learn ya.

Oh, and apparently it's not the members area. I just had to rescue my partly-written entry from my dying browser window and restart the browser. Good to know that Andrew's keeping it together. :)

In other news, my hair is poofy. This is what happens when I don't brush it straight after washing it, and just mash it into a ball, secured with a poorly wound ponytail holder. I undid the "bun" after my hair dried and it's all fluffy. I am fluffy. *glares at the bad hair* Oh well, I'll wash it tomorrow and it'll be flat and shapeless again.

I've been told I have nice hair but I guess I fail to see it. Truthfully, I don't know how "good" hair is supposed to look. I only know that Gwyneth Paltrow should never do her own hair because she doesn't seem to do it well. Her hair's always nicer in her films than in her appearances at events.

I do have nice feet, which is kind of odd, but I do. They're long and slender, with long digits and a healthy space between big toe and the next. My mom lacks this space, which I feel is vital to being able to pick things up with bare feet. Poor mom. Aw, but she's cool in lots of other ways though. And my second toe is longer than my big toe, which is supposed to mark a person as a werewolf in certain parts of Europe. I'm guessing this is near or in Romania, as that area tends to have more lore in it than, say, Holland. Which may or may not have anything to do with pot not helping anyone's imagination.

Bored. Waiting for Peanut to get online. Nobody else ever seems to find me online -- no, that's not it. People I know in person are actually IMing me a lot more lately, which is mildly unnerving. But the people I used to know online haven't been contacting me.

Dammit. I have my own Internet connection now and NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO ME! *fumes*

Oh yes, the computer. I finally accepted Win XP under protest. The idea is that after Sin was able to get it to connect, I didn't want to have to wipe the system and try to get it to re-connect. I also realized that if I went back to Win 98 I'd never get anything done with Linux, so I'm planning to install Linux (as dual-boot, meaning I'd have Linux and Win XP both) some rainy day and just live with XP for now. If MicroShaft thinks it can spy on my internet activities, they're going to have to pull it off despite my use of a third-party browser, and I doubt they care to do that. Hehe. Heard some not so spiff stuff about Red Hat, so I might go with Mandrake. We shall see. I have a Debian disk somewhere, but I'm a newbie and I have no wish to become entangled with software that assumes I am a Linux-guru.

My car needs a new battery. Or starter. Or both. *exhales long and hard* I feel like a deflated balloon.

Ooh. My brain has been somewhat creative lately, and it just fired off a fun idea. I could maybe pull it off. Aw, but wait, I bet I have to give my ID to somebody in order to play on the websites I'm thinking of. I could lie, but that's not very nice, nor very "me". And it's just as as fun if everybody knows!

Murr. Getting sick of reading people's blogs about this mega super roleplaying website that was supposed to be up over a year ago and still has not so much as a beta version, to my knowledge. And my work with Javascript lately has proven that I certainly can't program such a magnum opus myself. *contorts face weirdly and considers*

Waitafriggin'minnit. Idea. Sunny the TempMuse is serving me well. *gives him a raise and a lolly* Prepackaged freebie webtools + free webspace w/o ads = fun for me if no one else. Only if it's CGI-enabled though. *checks*

Oh by the many lights of Heaven. *giggles madly* Such luck, such grace!

The manic giggling is because I have just discovered that I could set up CGI on my student acct at my once and future uni. *wiggles eyebrows rather stupidly* So I could run, say, a CGI msg board -- from my student space. FTP only but that's pretty much a given. (For the non-geek, that means I can't directly edit files on the server, like I can here on DiaryLand or GeoCities. Angelfire allows browser and FTP access, but the more geek you get, the more hosting you find is FTP access only, because browser upload and edit utilities are a pain to program and manage.)

Using student space is (probably) dependant on my readmittance to the uni, but that's minor. The chance to run my own board again and hack it however I wish (to allow or disallow various things, like board sigs, emailing people via a board interface, etc), well, that's plenty of reason for me to get renewed vigor in pursuing readmittance.

Certainly it's better reason for me than the goading my housemates. Sin's still okay, but one other has become meddlesome. I suspect he just doesn't like me because I know that being 20 and banging a 15 year old (and getting her pregnant and getting kicked out of his church and family for premarital sex) -- well, that was I very BAD idea that I saw ten miles off.

The CGI enabled space is nice, but what really got me to chuckling is the site I used to determine if the uni's space was CGI-enabled for students or not also has a list of wireless access points around town. Like near the local -- was that Taco Bell? Nope, Taco John's. *snickers* The list doesn't note my house, which is odd actually. We're just off a major roadway. Must be just far enough away that someone walking the road couldn't access through our hub. Good to know. I'd rather not have my downloads slogged by freeloaders.

Yes, I'm selfish. Duh. ;)

Well, I'm signing off. This mouse is cheesing me off, so I'll post this and exit the browser before I clean it. It's better that way..... *said with haunted look in eyes*

posted by ree at 9:12 P.M.
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