Ree's Toejam

<previous | 30 January 2003 | next>

shit + fan = ******* ()

I don't feel much like diarizing, but I found something that summarizes how I feel very well.

I'm at my mom's. The Internet connection has been going down for short spurts sporadically all day, so I dug out my Yami no Matsuei translation (downloaded from I've read it all before, and was reading it again. I'd gotten to the end of the first chapter of book 2 yesterday, so today I started on the "Devil's Trill" storyline.

Here's the text that caught my attention (at this part, images were secondary). It's a fan translation, mind, but I think it's fairly true to the original:

Each violin has its own unique frequency. No matter how good the violin is made, if the person playing the violin is not in tune with the violin, he will not be able to produce a nice sound.

My violin is not from a famous brand... It's just a cheap violin.

But it understands me better than any expensive violin... It is my blood, my flesh, my whole life... It's a part of my body...

That's how I feel about my old computer. I found out today that he is dead. I wrecked 'im good. Murr. Radio Shack sent a replacement. They think they can replace my dear crackpot computer? Eustace was a Presario 1272 notebook and they sent me a Presario 700. O_o' Huh? Maybe the model numbers don't go in order -- for instance, many people would prefer a Palm m130 over the m500 model (the m130 is in colour, but the m500 is greyscale).

But here's the kicker. The 700 has Windows XP.

I hate it.

I loathe it. I have read all about MicroShite's "security" measures implemented in XP and I am having none of it. Bah! MS wants to own all our souls and they can't have mine. Damn you, Dink SmallWood! Damn you for being such a damn good Windows-only game that I need a Win box!

But some of my favourite games are old crap. You may have heard of Zork. I daresay most readers won't recognize Paganitzu, though. Commander Keen's by the same company (yay DopeFish!) And XP has troubles -- in some cases, serious troubles -- with old games. Sometimes a game was only a year old or less when XP came out, and they clashed.

The worst part is that every time you have to reinstall the OS (which, given my penchant for fiddling with computer software guts, is fairly often for me), you have to call MicroShaft to get an activation code, or you can't complete the reinstall. Do this 12 times and they automatically assume you're doing something criminal, and refuse to give you another code. You then have to pay for the OS you already paid for, or get a new OS. ( baby. Nothing comes cheaper than free.)

Gods, the 700 looks horrible, too. Like something that would have been considered "futuristic" in the 1980s. (Horrible decade. The fashion alone -- yuck.)

And Sin has the old Presario on the market. His has DVD-ROM and other niceness. The bill on the replacement weighs in over 900$US and Sin's selling his for $700 asking price. And I can't get his because I only have the money through the warranty!

Oh, and Ruby got a judge to buy her line of bullshit, so my rent stays towering. I will never speak to you again with use of expletives, bitch. I'm calling her later. In fact, now looks good.

posted by ree at 1:57 P.M.
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