Ree's Toejam

<previous | 05 April 2006 | next>

Naked Day 2006 ()

I'm trying something daft.

What happened to the design?

To know more about why styles are disabled on this website visit the Annual CSS Naked Day website for more information.

That's right: I'm naked! Or my Toejam is, along with my personal domain. It's excruciating. Stripping CSS shows all my little niggles -- spots where I used icky HRs to break up areas, vestigial tables for alignment, inline CSS all over the place. Ew. It offends my own geeky sensibilities and reminds me of all my past mistakes. I've learned a lot since slapping together most of that code; I just haven't gotten around to implementing what I know... lot are all bored out of your damn minds, yeah? Course you are.

In other news, I got my movie essay done 25 minutes before the deadline. I rock. It was even long enough and pretty much on topic -- no idea how that happened.

Gah. I want to fix all my code right now but I know that I should be studying, not even writing this right now. Vexation.

posted by ree at 4:20 A.M.
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