Ree's Toejam

<previous | 04 April 2006 | next>

class and RSS ()

So. Class and RSS, as usual.

I am horrifically behind in classes. Part of this is because I am exhausted after wrestling with the class server last night during a harrowing exam that the server refused to process. And part is because I am lazy as hell.

Thus, I have dorked around with my RSS feed. Once the computers behind it catch up, it will draw on the feeds Diaryland produces instead of screen-scraping. It will have an excerpt instead of titles only -- quite an improvement in my opinion. And unlike the default Diaryland feeds, mine is going to be valid or I will die trying to make it so. Dland is fond of cutting off HTML entities if they're at the end of the excerpt; this makes the feed invalid and pisses me off. I'm also axing that retarded HTML-within-XML "more" link, because I fucking hate it and will gleefully smash every possible instance of it out of this world. Ugly misbegotten thing! XML should be pure data!


If I'm not going do the reading for my Buddhism unit, I should at least watch the assigned movie and do that assignment. Or dig up the essay I wrote last time I watched the movie and cruft something up. Whichever. Also, caffeine, being as it's five in the damn morning. I got on a roll or six with the RSS thing and started some bug genocide in my script.

I'm gonna shut up before I start babbling computer code, I think.

posted by ree at 4:55 A.M.
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