Ree's Toejam

<previous | 02 March 2003 | next>

quick and groggy ()

Grr. I know exactly what I want to do with my random linkblog, and I can't do it. Blogspot doesn't allow me to pick a filename, much less extension. I'm stuck with dot-html. What I need to make my idea work is dot-js, a JavaScript file to embed here. Feh.

I tried to get AngelFire to accept a Blogger FTP'd dot-js file and it was having not a lot of that. Grr. Then, AF wouldn't let me edit a file on the server. Nothing to do with Blogger.

Woohoo! That makes this officially Not My Problem! Which is good, as it's 1am and I agreed to go to church with my mom in the morning. My brother is at a Bible camp retreat (actually, they both are, but TJ rarely counts in my estimation) and Sin has business this weekend. *yawns painfully* So I get mother-daughter quality time. I think she's gonna pull out the matching sweater sets in the morning. Gack.

*yawns again* Fine, brain, I won't stay up diarizing! *curses* I am quite cold, which happens when I stay up longer than my body deems good for me. It's like I'm living in my very own nagbot. Whee. *another yawn*

Grrrrrrrrrrr. I'd love to jabber more, dear readers, but apparently I don't get the chance. *shivers* One more thing to do online, then sleep.

posted by ree at 12:56 A.M.
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