Ree's Toejam

<previous | 26 December 2003 | next>

Christmas 5 ()

Friday Five

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

That's a tough one. Either finally biting the bullet and getting the medical help I needed, or else telling my daddy that I loved him forever. It's a tossup -- they're both Great Big Honkin' Deals.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?

Having to get medical help in the first place. Yuck. But it's over now and it did me some good.

3. What do you hope the new year brings?

A fruitful relationship with my father and a greater understanding of what I'm supposed to do with this life.

4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?

Ehehe, I have no idea. I might resolve to keep my weight below a certain limit or I might not. I might try to "write more" or I might give up. My resolutions, when I bother to make them, tend to be short-term deals or else very badly defined.

5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

I have no bloody clue. I might spend it with my family, or I might hang out with my housemates. It hinges on whether or not I feel like dealing with housemates and alcohol when I can't have any of the latter (er, of either, really). Bleh. It's entirely possible, probably even, that I would ring in the New Year online.

I have some holiday stuff written up, but I want to go over it a bit more before I post it all. My dad had surgery and was home for Christmas. I visited him and gave him lemon drops; I also beat him at checkers, which NEVER happens -- more on all that later.

Happy Holidays, DiaryLand. Just remember, you can almost always nag salespeople into accepting the gift you're trying to return for cash.

posted by ree at 5:22 A.M.
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