Ree's Toejam

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AWhisperOfMe's questions ()

Not a real entry, but I liked these questions (stolen shamelessly from AWhisperOfMe over on Xanga), so I'm answering them here. (Mostly I just wanted an excuse to tackle that final question, although #5 is fun too!)

01. What is your favorite word? What, like a real word, a word that can be found in a dictionary? *ponders* And I suppose it should be English, too. In Spanish, I would say "vida", which means life. Somehow the English "life" doesn't seem quite so vivid and also fleeting as vida.

Oh, I know! "Believe". I do believe, and that's so deeply ingrained in me that I consistently have trouble understanding how people can live without believing something -- and I mean really putting everything I am on the line because I believe. It's not always easy, but it's my way in life.

02. What is your least favorite word? Either "productive" or "constructive"; my mother uses them almost interchangably. I think the former is worse. The latter carries can be used in "constructive criticism", which is something I appreciate.

03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Smooth, soulful, peaceful music. A charged work of fiction, even poetry on a good day. Someone who knows just how to massage my back and does it without bitching. Old memories that I remember again before I forget them forever.

04. What turns you off? Reality, in a word. Mundane chores. The part of my brain where my mother lives and nags that I need to do something (yes, you know this one) constructive. Vanity, hubris, unkindness, lack of compassion. Also anchovies.

05. What is your favorite curse word? Hehe, I get to answer this too, yay! That's easy. "Fuck." It has to be used carefully and well. It can stand by itself as a monosyllablic spout of vitriol, or it can replace a word in a sentance. Last night I was complimented on my use of "for fuckin' out loud!" which pleased me.

06. What sound or noise do you love? A cat's purr, definitely. River waves lapping on a natural soft shore, not the sand that's dumped on its banks. I have to limit this to aural perception only, dangit all. Anyone coming into my house and closing the door behind them.

07. What sound or noise do you hate? Thunder. I have a hard time doing anything at all with thunder looming overhead. Scratching CD surfaces or sounds caused by pre-existing scrapes on a disc; those drive me nuts. Cats yowling for attention they're in the middle of getting, the bastards.

08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I'm unemployed right now, so I guess that means anything! Let's see. I would deeply love to be a published author with a modest following (or better, of course). In case someone is like my mother and wants to know what my "real" job would be, I don't know. I'm not really good at much else, nor am I inclined to take up new training.

Since this question deserves an answer, however inane, I think I'll have to say -- well, housewife would be a cop-out, wouldn't it? Staff for some magazine, I guess, or proofreader for some publishing house, maybe.

09. What profession would you not like to do? Oh Lord, I just hate being productive. Waitress, fast food, telemarketing -- you know, the only jobs I'm eligible for! I'd hate telemarketing the most; I think I'd need as-yet uninvented psychiatric medications just to avoid somehow successfully killing myself with those damn headsets.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I feel certain that Heaven does exist, so for me that's not an "if". As for the words, I would feel wonderful if He told me something like this:

"Beloved daughter, you have done so much more than you needed to do in your life. At last you are Home. Join the party!"

posted by ree at 8:04 P.M.
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