Ree's Toejam

<previous | 12 August 2003 | next>

tipsy again ()

For fuck's sake, this isn't even fun! I got myself all dosed with alcohol and nobody's on AIM to hear me all tipsy and babbly. Guess that means bedtime. Last time I had drinks, Chibi was online and I had fun being a semi-drunken idiot.

Lessee, what'd I drink tonight . . . I had four vodka and Cokes, two rum and Cokes, and two straight vodka shots. I got a solid handshake for the second because the first wasn't witnessed. I was told that it takes a "real woman" to do a vodka shot. Um, whatever. For some reason I'd've liked it better if I'd been told that it takes a real MAN to do a vodka shot, but my loyal readers (both of them) know that Ree has gender issues.

I wrote something the other day, a rambling letter to my father that will never get sent, at least not in its current form. It's in such awful need of editing -- but maybe I'll edit it someday. I cried my fucking eyes out writing that in 36 point font (so I could see without my glasses, although I use the word "see" quite loosely here) maybe SwanDragon saw. Dunno.

I wanna play more CD-ROM "Operation" but I should probably go to bed. I'm shockingly good at the game, despite sucking horribly at the original version and also despite being less than 100% sober. Hee. I'm told I talk way too much when I drink, but I don't think I talk all that much more with alcohol than without. Of course, it's entirely possible that vodka fucks up my perceptions. Hee. Not that I care when it's in my system . . .

I should sleep now. I downed the last rum and Coke so I could sleep soundly. The vodka was better though. I drank half a bottle of cheap vodka, go me -- I think. We'll see how proud I am of myself after the sensory-dampening chemicals vacate my system. Good to know that it doesn't notably damage my vocabulary to drink, but perhaps it would be better if I just shut the hell up, yes?

Sleep now. *falls unconscious across bed*

EDIT: Oh yeah, that so very did NOT work as planned. I didn't sleep well at all and dear God am I ever sore of stomach this fine day after. Bleh. At least the links work now. I was a little too plotzed to check them last night, or to even check my syntax. Anyway, they're worky now. Yaaay.

posted by ree at 3:42 A.M.
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