Ree's Toejam

<previous | 09 June 2003 | next>

tin foil + teeth = ow ()


I'm feeling fatigued but bouncy. I got my week's homework just before the deadline. Squeaked in under the wire, yay! Actually, one was five or six minutes after the midnight deadline, but since I missed the last (wince) TWO, I rather think/hope the teacher will be sweet and accept my barely late entry.

Yes, I know not doing assignments is bad. Shush please. My good moods happen only every so often and I don't want to blow this one. Okay? Oh good.

I'm supposed to be finding a website on Taoism and/or Confucianism so I can do this coming week's assignment. I think my brain processes "work due Sunday" as "party all week and gripe all weekend, then write the damn essays Sunday night". Feh. Well, I'll nab a essay right off the bat this time. I'm not allowed to pick a website somebody else has already chosen, and people are good and grabbing the RT essays right away. I'll do that quick now.

Hm. Doesn't look very helpful. Dangit. I might still be able to make it work, depending on any differences between what the essays say and what's in the book. Which means I have to read the chapter. Sigh.

I did have something funny happen today. My Yahoo! email account, which I've been using especially for school-related stuff (bad online school to not give me an address though them, bad!), gave me a virus-guard message today. What the hell? thought I. There were no new message in my inbox, just a single bit of flotsam in my Bulk Mail folder. For whatever reason, I decided to check the spam folder before emptying it, even though it only had one mail in it.

Somebody who spammed me had a virus on their computer. I find this wickedly satisfying. There's justice in the universe, for those who will see it. It just doesn't parade obviously. That way, it deceives those who deceive. They believe justice is a lie, so they too may lie. In the end, though, justice bites them in the butt and I laugh at them quite merrily.

Anyway, readers (both of you -- if Marn has three loyal readers, I must certainly have fewer than she, for she writers better and more often than I -- where was I? Oh yes. My readers), I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing okay. Wrote my composition essay on being alone, but hey, if I can channel depression into an assignment piece, I cll that a silver lining. Or at least tin foil. Hey, that's pretty versatile stuff, and now you know what my title means. Hee.

Point? Y'mean I have I have a point? Phooey! This isn't my comp class, so nyah. I love you all, dear readers, and I'll write again when I can.

posted by ree at 2:10 A.M.
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