Ree's Toejam

<previous | 08 January 2003 | next>

Sin's home ()

Hellooooooo, all you lovely people! *blows kisses to everyone*

I am bouncing off the walls. No, really. Did you know that if you're hyper enough, you can do that?

Sin called! He's back in town. He wants to game TONIGHT! Now I have been looking at gaming materials online and getting pretty depressed because, hey, I got nobody to game with, and now I do again! Wheeeeeeeeee!

I got so excited that I ran the length of my mom's basement. Several times. My bedroom and therefore bed is at one end, the sofa on the other. Runrunrunrun *bounce!bounce!bouncy* runrunrunrun *bounce!bouncy* ... I did this at least four times. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

I can go home now. So I'm going today. I have a dentist appt. this afternoon, and then I'm going home. Because now there's finallly someone there who cares if I'm there or not. It's a great feeling to be sure.

...y'all should've heard him sqawk when I told him McD's wouldn't hire me, too. It was complete indcredulousness. A total verbal blip of "WTF?!" That makes me feel better.

Gotta go, dear readers? Probably no new entries for awhile, since I still have no operational computer. :( Sorry loves. I should be happy though, for which I'm obviously appreciative. I need to pack the car so that as soon as my teeth have been drilled, I can go home.

It's amazing how the connotations of "going home" can change. A week ago, it was "please somebody, don't make me have to go home". And now it's "I can go home, and relax, and talk.... and people will care and react".

Oho. I know what I should wear home today. That little red dress I found marked way down. It's gorgeous. Sin will have a hernia. Or something. *wg* Buwahaha, I am evil. I know the little gay boy's not unattracted to girls. And this dress has perhaps the single shortest skirt I have ever worn. Neener.

...he'll probably ask me to go clubbing with him if he sees me in it. Feh.

Do I have to go home?! ....yes, and I'll love it too.

Pack lunch dress get-offline so bye! *waves*

posted by ree at 9:48 A.M.
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