Ree's Toejam

<previous | 07 January 2003 | next>

odd happiness ()

Wow. Cy left me a quick note in my guestbook. Entry #127, and yeah, I'm aware that I'm anal. It just really made my day, that's all. I'm all happy and grinning now.

In other news, I just found out that White Wolf released a new game, Demon: The Fallen. Which... ooh boy. Heh. There's all sorts of funness to be had in there. Wow.

And then peanut has me reading this obscure (well, not really) manga series called Angel Sanctuary. Despite the title, it contains virtually every sin known to man. What an accomplishment! I can only read it by completely refusing to acknowledge it as even remotely connected to Christianity. Even though the series is pretty strong about it referencing it. Yes, well...

I very much enjoy reading other people's views of religion, particularly my religion. Especially hell. I have yet to read any work of fiction that handles hell correctly. Why does everyone seem to think that you have to do something bad to get into hell? Everybody has done something wrong, so people think it has to be something REALLY bad to get into hell.

It never seems to occur to people that maybe you have to do something really GOOD to get into Heaven, rather than BAD to get into hell. Which seems pretty backward to me. But I won't get further into my understanding of religion --

-- because my tape of Breakfast at Tiffany's is on! Delightful. It just radiates Audrey Hepburn's charisma, and is she not just perfectly gorgeous? I'm madly jealous. She's so small and lithe and lovely. Gahh. I have a slight preference for Truman Capote's story over the movie, mostly because of the ending. Bah, they changed it for the movie. They changed a LOT for the movie, really. I've read somewhere that Capote hated it. And the first actress considered to play Holly Golightly was Marilyn Monroe! Just imagine how much that would've changed the movie. Perfectly awful.

Oh! It's that mad fun party scene! I love this part. I must watch.

posted by ree at 12:59 P.M.
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