Ree's Toejam

<previous | 21 October 2003 | next>

same-sex marriage in the USA ()

Crap, now I'm crying over this.

I've been keeping an eye on Salon, and today their article "Same-sex family values" just broke me up inside.

See, I'm bisexual. I haven't had a big coming-out; it's really not that big a deal to me, or so I like to pretend. I've known for some time now that I'm attracted to some women, but I also feel deeply drawn to some men.

And it hurts me. I imagine what it might be like to be married someday, and I have to imagine that I fall in love with a man. The laws of the United States and each individual state within the Union are unfair to anyone who tries to form a life with a lover of the same sex. It doesn't matter to anyone that I'm bi instead of lesbian -- if I marry a man, we get to file taxes as married, we can get health insurance through whoever employs one of us, and so forth, but if I marry a woman, we can't have a marriage liscense, I can't have full parental rights to any child of hers, nor she of mine.

It's bullshit, and it's legal. The rights I may have someday as a married woman are wholly determined by the genetalia of the person I end up wanting to spend the rest of my life with.

I live in a conservative little Midwestern town. I don't plan to publicly "come out" as bisexual. My own family doesn't know, and I don't want them to know. My mother firmly believes that God made marriage to be a union of man and wife, and --

--crap, more crying.

This isn't fair. Somebody agree with me: this isn't fair at all.

I meant it when I said I'd like to move to Canada eventually. If they legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, I'm there. It'll be bitter cold, something I've always hated; but oh, to love and be loved, without sacrificing my passions or my rights to fit in with unjust laws.

When it comes to same-sex marriage, America is trying to legislate morality. They are deliberately keeping a minority of the population from having the rights made available to the majority -- to the straights. Politicians are legislating their morality. Even my own mother believes that same-sex marriage should not be legalized, and her basis for this is her religion, her faith in God.

What the fuck ever happened to separation of Church and State?

posted by ree at 4:05 P.M.
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