Ree's Toejam

<previous | 20 August 2006 | next>

problems ()

What an ungodly hour to be awake. I was exhausted yesterday and, having nothing to do, slept in quite late. Now it's later than late night and I'm unable to sleep.

Somehow this comforts me with its justice and familiarity.

I keep wanting to write about an issue that's been troubling me for quite some time now, but I can't fit the words together. I'm too uncertain, or rather I know exactly where I stand but am too emotionally attached to permit myself to think logically. It's a social divide and I know people on both sides, have counted them friends. There are opposing views stated and I'm having trouble disbelieving anyone, though the case seems stronger for one side than for the other.

I want to believe my friends, but either I have to admit that some people aren't my friends anymore, or I have to doublethink so I can believe mutually exclusive accounts. It rather blows.

In other news, I have been informed in an online game that a fellow player "doesn't think [Ree] is a webgeek," despite that precise term being in my in-game profile. Oookay. I guess processing my Diaryland RSS feed to make a valid version doesn't count. Scraping a friend's site (with permission) to create an RSS feed for it doesn't count either. Massaging database info via PHPMyAdmin to correct something without logging into the usual admin interface? That's surely not something a webgeek would do!

I'm overreacting. In my defence, it's disconcerting to be told that my self-description does not fit me, especially when the speaker knows me only within the game and through my website. WTF?

Autumn semester doesn't start until the 18th. Hopefully my ordered textbooks will arrive before then. In the meantime, I intend to enjoy a little roleplaying, a little in-game combat, and as much reading and movie-watching as I can muster.

posted by ree at 5:28 A.M.
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