Ree's Toejam

<previous | 27 July 2006 | next>

not dead ()

All of the sudden, I feel chatty, so I'm just gonna go with it.

This is the last week of my summer semester. I took a psych class and it's been fun, but it's also kicked my ass a little.

Our final discussion assignment was to violate a social norm. I, Miss Anxiety Disorder, didn't get this done. I explained my disorder to my instructor privately and in advance, but I haven't heard anything back (still) and the deadline was pressing. So I joined the discussion saying why I hadn't done it (leaving out the disorder and physical symptoms, but describing the fear of social reprisal and why that kept me from breaking society's unwritten rules).

Hopefully that's good for some points, if not the full score. I'd been hoping to boost my B back up to an A, but unless I completely ace the final test, that's looking unlikely. You never know though -- the last two chapters were stuff I remembered very well, so maybe it'll happen.

Don't I usually write in proper paragraph form? Today I'm just sticking the line breaks wherever my train of thought seems to take a new track. Clearly this and all other problems can be assuaged through consumption of Mountain Dew, which I happen to have. Huzzah.


Nope, didn't work. I must need more Dew to receive its full effect.

posted by ree at 4:11 P.M.
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