Ree's Toejam

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survey #3 from Erin ()

(Um.... Erin sent me this. And I was in A Mood when I filled it out. Eeek.)

1. Name: Ree.

2. What some of my friends call you: Moron, generally. ;)

3. Net Nickname: Ree (the ever-original!), JainaJade, ZorkPlatinum.

4. Nationality: Lower Hicksnittle. By which I mean that I'm an American, but more than that, I am a hick.

5. Age: 21.

6. Sex: Not bloody likely with you. Oh, and I'm female. That too.

7. Birthday: 12 May. Allow me to direct you all to my Amazon wish list, from which you will each be required to buy me something. No duplicates. I mean it.

8. Star sign: Taurus by the Greeks, Metal Rooster by the Chinese. Yuck. I'm ferrous poultry?!

9. Birthstone: Emerald. Woot.

10. Eye colour: Hazel, but if you want to get on my good side, call them green.

11. Hair: I look frighteningly like Watari from the Yami no Matsuei manga. Eek. Except I'm more femmy, which is good, since I am female and he is... not. Quite.

12. Height: Around six foot. I bump my skull when I walk down stairs.

13. Sibling/s: Two younger brothers by blood, one near-twin by mutual agreement.

14. Religion: Protestant Christian (Reformed denomination) + tolerance and understanding for other faiths.

15. Glasses/Contacts: Want green contacts. WANT THEM! But I wear glasses instead. Bah.

16. Any piercings or tattoos: Just one hole per ear so far. I'm planning an intricate tattoo for myself, for someday; the design involves the ancient Egyptian glyphs for life and eternity (suitable for a tattoo, ne?), the number 42 (also in glyphs) and the colour green. Hee. I also want a navel ring someday, but I'm holding off on body mods until I get a steady job.

17. Style of dress: Denim is life, leather is wonderful. Normal shoes suck; sandals and boots rule. Especially boots. *has a fetish* As for shirts -- Tshirts generally, although I tend to go slightly more femmy than basic unisex. Those are too loose and they feel like I'm draped in a tent.

18. Allergies: Only to work.

19. Smoke/drink/do drugs: Only the very occasional drink. Smoke insanely bothers my eyes and lungs. I hear arsenic has that irritating effect. And drugs cost too much. Plus, I hate jail. It's a me thing.

20. Favourite pasttime: Reading webcomics.

21. Interests: Ancient Egypt, the Spanish language, Japanese anime/manga, superheroes (shaddup).

22. Hobbies: Writing, reading, speaking, and otherwise ineffectually communicating.

23. Pets: None of my own, currently, but my housemate has four cats. They like me, even the bitchcat. Mostly.

24. Do you play musical instruments: I can slaughter guitar chords, I can. And I can manage basic melodies on the piano. My voice makes my best music, though, so that's the only one I usually use.

25. Do you like or still have any stuffed toys: Duh. I got a new one for Christmas!

26. Favourite nursery rhyme: ...I'm supposed to have a favourite? *thinks* Maybe that "when I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives" one. I like puzzles.

27. Defining moment when you realised you was growing up: Hm. When I learned my dad had a mistress. Grrr. Thanks soooo much for recalling that for me.

28. Worst habit: Never getting up for an alarm clock.

29. Do you prefer receiving money or gifts: Money generally, but a well-chosen gift is the very best.

30. Sports/Activities you did at school: I read a lot. Checked BASIC programming books out of the library regularly. Read even more. Hated sports. Sang in choir on the rare occasions the school choir teacher would admit I was good enough to be in the choir I knew I deserved.

31. Favourite school subjects: English, by far. Although basic typing was fun when we used computers instead of those damn manual typewriters. They might've been good for me, but I hate them anyway.

32. What are you studying now: I'm trying to learn Japanese on my own. I don't really expect to get very far, but I'm having fun anyway.

33. Words or phrase you use often: "Suckage." I'd like to think my vocabulary is so expansive that I never need over-use a word or phrase. Sadly, I know this to be untrue.

34. Greatest fear: Dying without doing something worth being remembered for.

35. Best experience: Graduating high school in four years. It was a very close call, because I'd slacked so very much my first two years, but I made it. Yay!

36. Worst experience: I want magic powers so I can turn depression into a newt and torture it as horribly as it has tormented me.

37. Most embarrassing experience: Being me.

38. Who is your role model: My mom and a vast array of fictional characters.

40. If you could live anywhere in the world where it would be and why: Canberra, Australia, so I could visit my niece and see how she's doing.

41. Favourite season and why: Springtime, when kittens are born and I turn another year older.

42. Favourite time of day and why: Sunrise. It's a soothing sight right before falling asleep.

43. Favourite flower: Lilacs.

44. Favourite car: Anything that runs. I do have a soft spot for a pickup, though. And 18-wheelers rock. And -- let's just say my fave car is any vehicle that ISN'T actually a CAR per se.

45. Favourite deodorant/perfume/cologne: *blinks* Whatever I have. Don't care. Except I like my Sea scented body spray.

46. Favourite animal (Pet): Tie between cats and little dragons.

47. Favourite animal (Wild): Cheetahs. They have such elegant lines, and this exquisite grace about them.

48. Favourite book: Not fair! I'm not even gonna try.

49. Favourite magazine: Mags suck. I want tomes of reading material.

50. Favourite movie genre: Scifi/fantasy, which is way too braod but I don't care.

51. Favourite movie: Quite possibly Sabrina, the one starring Audrey Hepburn. Soooo sweet!

52. Favourite actor and/or actress: Angelina Jolie. Wow. Can I just be her? Please?

53. Favourite animated Disney film: Either Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast, although Lilo and Stitch rocked too. Tough call there.

54. Favourite animated film (Non-Disney): Hm. The Prince of Egypt.

55. Favourite board game: CLUE!

56. Favourite television show: Don't watch it much.

57. Favourite Looney Toon character: Pepe le Pew. ("He's not gay, he's French." *giggles madly*)

58. Favourite animated character (Non-Looney Toon): Ooh. I'll say Mai Kujaku / Mai Valentine of Yu-Gi-Oh!, despite the horrible pun in the American version's name for her.

59. Favourite member of the X-men: Rogue. 100%.

60. Favourite food: Food! Pasta pizza Chinese sweet-and-sour chicken stroganoff hamburgers steak! I just love food. Hee.

61. Favourite snack: Candy. I need sugar, dammit.

62. Favourite sandwich: Hamburger, plain and simple.

63. Favourite fruit: Braeburn or Cortland apples. Yummmm.

64. Favourite alcoholic drink: Perhaps a margarita, although I've only had a virgin version. (Say THAT ten times fast!)

65. Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Apple cider, spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg.

66. Favourite chocolate: Basic milk chocolate. Yum.

67. Favourite colour: Green, although I'm finding black is growing on me.

68. Favourite sport: Sports should die. Bleh. Try "Net surfing".

69. Favourite genre of music: I'll listen to anything that doesn't give me a headache.

70. Favourite song: Always, by the Newsboys; Hero, by Steve Taylor (NOT that Spider-Man song, I hate the words to that song).

71. Favourite band/group: Probably still the Newsboys, despite my recent yearning for the Beatles.

72. Do you want children one day: Yes. If I have to be in agony every frickin' month, this damn womb had better come in handy someday.

73. How many: I don't think more than two unless my husband and I adopt. You know, stop overpopulation and all that. So many kids could use good homes....

74. A boy and a girl's name you'd like to call my children: I don't have a boy's name in mind. A daughter would be Leola, after my late grandmother.

75. A place you'd like to visit: Australia, Japan.... the world.... I aim high. ;)

76. Do you prefer the countryside or city: Cities suck. Rural.

77. What accessories (beads, chains etc.) do you wear: Various interesting necklaces (and a lot or strange pendants on black cords). I often wear a black leather cord about my left ankle; this is a reminder of my character Jaina, who always has some item of black leather on her person. I can't really wear it with my stylish winter boots though. Dang.

78. A description of your dream date/partner: Harrison Ford rejuvenated to 23 years of age.

posted by ree at 3:09 A.M.
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