Ree's Toejam

<previous | 01 January 2003 | next>

happy frickin' new year ()

It's 2003. I kicked it off by finding out that my peanut is ill. Yay. The doctors gave her morphine, which has me more rattled than I will ever fully admit... yikes. I am asking my mom to get peanut's name added to our church prayer list, without asking peanut first. I don't *think* she'll mind. I hope she won't. She can always kick my ass for it later. But yeah. Peanut very seriously unwell. That wasn't fun.

Just to drive home the whole "2003 will suck ass just like 2002" thing, when I found out about peanut, I removed my favourite necklace, and it broke. Again. This is no mere chain. It's a single metal piece with what looks like mother-of-pearl inlay. Ruby gave it to me... happier times. Even though I wish she were still around, I still like the neckpiece. I broke it by accident ages ago -- it was jammed in a drawer, but I thought the jam was just cardboard and tugged. *Snap!* "Shit." Mom got it repaired for me for Christmas, and I broke it today. So it lasted something like a week.

....suck. Suck suck suck. There goes my life. It goes SUCK. *groans*

Oh, and Jo got kicked out of her mom's house, the Jack situation is unchanged and therefore still unsatisfactory, and my mom thinks I belong in 24-hour mental health care. Thaaaaanks Mom. *shivers because it's 6:30am and Ree still hasn't slept*

So I'm a putz. Deal.

Broken broken broken. Lately my brain has been grabbing the occasional word and repeating it. Yeah. Like I don't have the vocabulary or something. It's cheesing me off too.

Anyone else have an idea how disturbing it is to read about an episode of Smallville focusing on bees (still stealing the X-Files ideas, I see), catching a reference to the Blind Melon song "No Rain" -- and checking the WinAmp playlist to verify that "No Rain" is indeed the next song to be played? Hell. I just got that song today, first time it came up on the playlist.... that's a bit unsettling. So's cold pizza at 5am. In case you care.

Must get job. If I can just get a goddamn job and keep it a full week even, mom can lay off with all the "you need to be a productive member of society" crap. She tends to alternate usage of "constructive" with "productive", making them my two least favourite words in the English language. Should I ever bother to learn their equivalents in other languages, I will hate those words too. But not quite as much, because my mom only berates me in English. Thank God. If I got lectured in multiple languages I think I'd be even less stable than I am.

So cold. I get cold when I'm tired. I don't leef *sleepy* right now, but that means little. I've have.... dozens upon dozens of Pixy Stix (ye gods, the misuse of English spelling...) and some Mt. Dew and oh yes, lest we forget, the DRAMA.

If some cosmic script writer doesn't give me an all-out comedy scene here, I'm going to start with the pink slips. Grr.

It just occured to me that peanut and Ruby would've gotten along somewhat. They both -- hm. How to put it. They both have a sort of ESP, although I doubt either would call it that. (ESP doesn't sound "special" enough, for one thing... nice to know people who associate with me share certain predictabilties. Yay.) Different religious views, though. I shall never fully understand either's religious dogma. It would end all reality or something. Plus, it's all so diverse. That bugs me a little. People can look up my religious affiliation (Reformed denomination, for the curious and prying) and see what it's all about. With less mainstream faiths it's harder.

Ever tried to pin down what Wicca's all about? Don't bother. Wicca means whatever the Wiccan you're trying to learn about WANTS it to mean, pretty much. There's no set religious teachings that I can find, nothing quite along the lines of, say, the Ten Commandments (although The Wiccan's Rede might... I should shut up before I use up all my stupid moments for the year).

Gah. And I have no real idea why I vented about that.

The problem with me and diarizing is that I diarize my life constantly inside my head (where I spend far too much time). I forget what I've actually written and what I haven't. Sometimes I run ideas into the ground mentally and they never get onto paper.

I am still worried about my peanut. It took many losing rounds of Mah Jong solitaire to stop crying. I think I overloaded God's inbox. Spam God. Godspam. My mind is broken. �Mi menta est� roto! And God bless my multi-language support. I can type cool letters now for Spanish... and I need to replace them to make them show properly in HTML. Crap. *looks them up*

Boring. This'll take awhile. Go read webcomics or something. Happy frickin' new year.

posted by ree at 6:25 A.M.
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