Ree's Toejam

<previous | 01 July 2003 | next>

ooh, burn! ()


I know it's been a long time.

I've been failing my classes this summer.

And I gave myself a scald with boiling water today.

My ankle is blistered.

That makes it a second-degree burn.

I should be in the emergency room, according to my Google search for "burn scald treatment".

Fuck that.

I have character webpages to redesign.

Damn, my ankle hurts.

I called my mom and asked what I should do. I was very calm -- "Don't freak out, Mom, okay, but I burned myself. I'm okay. It just hurts." -- and told her what had happened.

(I was making mac 'n' cheese, stirring the boiling noodles with a large plastic spoon. Not a slotted spoon. I splashed a bit on my ankle.

It was weird. I guess I expected it to hurt and then go away. I winced when the water hit, then tried to relax. It kept hurting, though. After a second, I began tearing off the ankle sock I'd been wearing and hobbled to the freezer to get an ice pack, which is now affixed to my leg with a tied handkerchief over it.)

I feel good. Inside, I mean. Outside, I'm still waiting for the Tylenol to kick in. My ankle hurts, but it's not my fault. I wasn't trying to do anything, and I handled everything responsibly, I think. I didn't freak out (although I did succumb to shallow breathing, because suddenly growing a blister = OW!!). I even finished making my supper, although the noodles were left to drain for too long while I tied the ice in place. I'm due at the clinic to check thyroid levels in my bloodstream anyway -- in fact, I'm overdue -- so I'll go there tomorrow and ask about my blister at the same time.

How hot it is here? It's so hot I suffered a burn!

Well, I thought it was funny.

Back to making webpages.

posted by ree at 11:47 P.M.
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