Ree's Toejam

<previous | 13 June 2006 | next>

Blogletdown ()

Heads up for Bloglet subscribers: Bloglet's going support free soon. I used to use Bloglet to let people subscribe to this site via email. If you're one of those people, please visit my hub o' interactivity to sign up for the newer Feedburner email subscriptions. I already use Feedburner email for a couple sites, and I quite like it. The Bloglet emails will be turned off in a few days, so if you don't sign up with the new notification service, you won't get new notifications. Make sense?

If anyone has a problem with this switch, please email me or comment on this entry to let me know; I'll see what I can do to improve matters.

posted by ree at 1:30 P.M.
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