Ree's Toejam

<previous | 30 December 2003 | next>

glee bleh fug. ()

Random factors ahead!

Eeee, Quoted used a quote I recommended! I feel all cool and spiff.

There's an entire rant a page back about webhosting and stuff. I've pretty much figured stuff out already. I figured I'd post the page anyway though. It's honest, if nothing else. I really am that neurotic sometimes. Oh Lord yes.

Apparently playing with my layout borks my makeshift RSS feed. *sighs* Oh well. Hopefully this update will fix things, once it gets into their system. It's an awfulstopgap RSS feed, but it's something, at least. For free, nearly anything at all not-bad is worth the minimal effort.

What else. I can't think of much that I really give a damn about right now. This is just me being cranky for a little bit. It will pass. Until it leaves, I'm a bitch. Everyone, not least of all myself, has to deal with that reality. Bleh!

I've been listening to music, huzzah. I have newish CDs from some lovely people that I have been enjoying. I have discovered that once I get used to hearing music in album order, accidently having it in random order makes me quite cranky without immediately knowing why. It's just as well that my new walkman doesn't have a random option. I kind of miss it. I'll have to start putting more thought into the order tracks on CDs I burn for myself. Not that I have much cause to make my own CDs when I have wonderful friends dangling music under my nose. I'm delighted, I must say.

Yes, I can be delighted and cranky at the same time. I don't know how I manage it either. (Technically complex deltoid work? Bless the late Douglas Adams!)

I don't have much else to say. Maybe I'll fiddle with templating for a bit.

(Wow, just a momentary wait to add an entry. I can remember hours on end of not being able to update, so being able to read the notice, hit refresh when done reading, and get the add and entry box is... awesome. Bliss!)

posted by ree at 8:12 P.M.
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