Ree's Toejam

<previous | 31 May 2007 | next>

schedule, ugh ()

Been a long time gone.

For me, DiaryLand has a feel to it that no other site has. There's something that gently nudges confidences, detailed (if tangential) explanations, and the almost requisite teenage girl web designs. Though for all my sarcasm, my own little border fairy has quite grown on me, and will probably stick around.

DiaryLand's unique comfort led me back today. I'm in need of a little confiding, explaining, and -- why not? -- some girly graphics too.

I'm a non-traditional college student. Until this Tuesday (May 29th), I'd been off for two tweeks between spring and summer semesters. I found out the day before classes began that I wasn't registered at all, for summer or for autumn!

After a moment's annoyance, I decided I was okay with this. I signed up for the waitlist for my desired class, knowing there was no way in hell I'd get in this late. (Two summer classes is considered fulltime, which is more than I've time for. Just one for me, thanks.)

The day after class began, I received notice that I was in the class after all. That made me a day behind before I even knew if I was enrolled. Fantastic.

There is something about that yo-yo -- you're in, you're out, no wait, you're in again so hurry up! -- that makes me perversely want to grab a thick SF novel and curl up on some desolate planet, far away from schedules and deadlines. Failing that, my desire is to bitch about it on DiaryLand and console myself that at least my template is fairly good-looking.

And that's what brings me here today. How about you?

posted by ree at 2:49 P.M.
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