Ree's Toejam

<previous | 14 April 2003 | next>

Ree's a mess ()

Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Shit. I distinctly remember scoring Moderate on Avoidant when I took this the other night, but the damn computer froze on me.

Joblink website is still not up. Dammit. I shall have to wear my red power shirt in the morning, wave aside my counselor's concerns and wishes for pysch medication, and trot over to the joblink offices. Oh, and call that gas station. It *would* be right on the busiest street in my mom's town, wouldn't it. Grr. At least it's uptown. I despise driving in the "old-fashioned" downtown area. The parking is almost exclusively parallel and the streets are barely wide enough to be walking. The buildings are tall, the lanes are packed (by South Dakota standards, anyway) and there's more lights that a hick village in the American Midwest ought ever have at the same point in history. Grr.

Will not go all summer jobless. CANNOT go all summer jobless. Need job like... like... like need good metaphor to can this line. Yeah!

Seriously, if I hear my mother suggest what I should wear one more time before I leave here, I'm throwing her in my trunk. It's spacious. She'll fit. Grr. Maybe tomorrow's paper will have a new ad. Here's hoping. But the gas pump job could be decent. More than likely air-conditioned, and even if it's not (higly doubt it) there would still be the fridge cases for beer! Yay! *groan*

I will never understand beer. It's vile! Mike's Hard Lemonade is something I can comprehend, though. Yummy.

So I can eat inexpensively and gain weight until I need to buy new clothes, or I can spend lots of money on tasteless health food and despise my own existence. There has got to be a happy medium to that dilemma. *blinks* Wait, that wasn't proper English at all -- but it's half past midnight so I don't care. La la la.

Avoidant, huh? Avoidant. Currently avoiding the job search by repeatedly testing to see if the joblink site is back up and reading every cracked-assed Help Wanted ad in the local paper.

Now, problems with anger management, I'll buy. Ooh baby will I buy that. I didn't even know you could hurt yourself by pummeling a plush Pikachu, but that stuffing really kicks back any violence done to the great pee-coloured rat.

Okay, I know my mental stability is slipping; I'm considering, at length, moving my Furbies back to my house with me. They'd scare the piss out of Sin's cat and probably incite the neighborhood dogs to mass riot.... coooool. Heh.

Want a kitten! Or at least some fish. Something that moves without being kicked first. Yeah! Something to love me and hug me and squeeze me and call me George.

I think I have this whole pet/owner paradigm backwards, yes? Hee.

I'm in the mood to explore the mythology of the Elder Gods. Damn my beloved webcomics and their love of Cthulhu cameos! DAMN THEM TO... well, how about Innsmouth? *blinks* Yes, it's been too long since I wandered the words of Lovecroft. Not that he was a linguistic master, mind, but he certainly held a good grip on how to spook people.

Hmm, or maybe some Poe... "Interview With A Mummy" is always good for kicks. "Hop-Frog" perhaps. *wanders off with books in hand* Or maybe sift around that collection of Frost, for a change of pace!...

posted by ree at 12:19 A.M.
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