Ree's Toejam

<previous | 02 November 2004 | next>

Election Night ()

I voted

Politics. Oy.

Wil Wheaton blogged a mention of attempted voter intimidation in South Dakota. Only attempted? Ha. Recent rule changes now require voters to present photo ID when voting. Guess which group of people often lack photo ID? The Native Americans, a sizable minority in the state. They have tribal ID but it's not photo. Requiring photo ID is a blatant attempt to disenfranchise these people. *curses politics heartily*

Anyway, I worried about voter fraud. I was already in tears (anxiety disorder + new experience = WAAAAH) and convinced that I would break a voting machine or that it would change my vote on me. I needn't have worried. The intimidators are sticking to harassing the Native Americans and my backwater state is using paper ballots. It was like taking an SAT.

I feel kinda stupid for bothering to vote for president. South Dakota is going to Bush. Period. I could rally three counties for either side and it wouldn't change the outcome. Unfair! My vote shouldn't go to waste just because the rest of my state refuses to pull their heads out of their asses and research their votes! I'm hoping enough people skew the popular vote that the electoral system is recognised as flawed, and discarded. Cross my fingers.

Also, Wal-Mart can die horribly. No more re-zoning for big business, goddammit! I refuse!

I feel good now.

posted by ree at 8:36 P.M.
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