Ree's Toejam

<previous | 02 September 2003 | next>

into the situation ()

So. Update. (And a memo to me -- redo my website backup now that I've been fiddling and adding more files.)

Here's the current housing situation:

    Sharing the house:
  • Me
  • Swan
  • Sin
  • Ty
  • new roommate for whom I've yet to concoct a good nick. (I'm tempted to dub him "Bag Boy" for his employment, though I'm sure he ranks higher than that anyway.) Jo's also staying for the time being, though she's been making plenty of move-out noises.

    My family:
  • Mom and Squirt -- staying put, though Mom's been comparing prices on houses again. Blargh.
  • TJ -- moving into some church group building near his college, where he'll assist them. He's so perfect it makes me physically ill. Or maybe that's all those LifeSavers.
  • Daddy -- fuck if I know. Apparently he hasn't moved to Texas yet, despite blathering that he would for years. (Seriously. Since I was twelve at least, maybe younger. That's since 1993 and the fucker's still here to tweak my brain in funny-ouchie ways.)

Just watch. The HTML for this page will get really, really weird. I promise.

Sin just got back from a major trip. He called tonight (after 11pm, GRR! Am I the only one whose mother taught that's it's very rude to phone after 10 unless it's URGENT?!) -- anyway, he called, and we talked. He was apparently satisfied with the trip. *bweg* Very. Um. *coughs* Yes, well. He'll blab more to me tomorrow instead of running up our cell phone bills while I'm at my mother's.

I helped her clean the basement, yay! Not so much clean as organize, but anyway, yay! She's planning to use September to really kick the house into superior cleanliness, so cool. She gave me orders to put things places and just stood around. I swear, if she weren't my mother! *g* She rocks, she really does. She thinks I've been doing better, and said so. So of course I had to blush faintly and murmur that no, I wasn't really doing all that well.

*considers* That's not exactly true. In some ways I've gotten consistently better about life. In some, though, I'm backsliding, and that's not good. I really ought get back into counseling and back on meds (and if I could remember to take what I am on every day, that'd help too, grr!).

Sound of the day: Grr. Which is odd, as I don't feel all that enraged. Hm.

My checkbook is very low -- argh, must remember to shunt the last shred of my savings into checking, or I won't be able to cover my rent check! I'll do that now, and diarize later if I find I've more to say.

posted by ree at 3:04 A.M.
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