Ree's Toejam

<previous | 18 May 2003 | next>

I'm mellow ()


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Okay. So I stretched it a little. I still came out highly likely to be Schizotypal. Grr.

I am mellow now though. I've been waiting all week for email from my online class center and I finally got it today. I had to call myself on Friday and correct the address I had given them incorrectly. (Apparently I put my permanent street address and my temporary city and zip code. D'oh!)

I finally got that email -- and another, because the class I'd been on the waiting list for had an opening so YAY! That's the prime credits I can transfer back into my old uni. The course (Intro to Lit) is designed for transfer back into a four-year institution. Too bad it's only the second semester group that's studying The Handmaid's Tale and I'm back in first. Boo! Although I've read the book and re-read it and seen the movie. It's both intriguing and appalling. I consider it an excellent example of what goes wrong when morality is enforced by law. Some morals should be enforced. Murder is wrong because it hurts others. But some morals shouldn't be enforced en masse. People should be free to make their own choices. Rape is wrong, but sex between consenting adults shouldn't be a legal matter. They both want it. Why deny them?

Off the soapbox. Gods I feel stupid right now. I've discovered that a few drinks in short order makes me a complete ditz, which isn't a very edifying revelation. It also incites me to talk. A lot. I talk often without drinking, so putting alcohol in my system makes me not shut up. At all. I think I would've pissed off the people I was drinking with, but they'd all but one had more than me, so they didn't care. Heh.

Ooh ooh, friend online, must jabber!

posted by ree at 1:18 A.M.
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