Ree's Toejam

<previous | 06 April 2004 | next>

groggy total update ()

A diary entry! Yay! I really should tweak the layout so it sucks less. I mean to do that later. My brain is pleasantly foggy right now from fatigue.

It's Tuesday and I'm still exhausted, which means both of my prerequisites to asking the clinic to please poke me with needles have been met. I'm pretty sure my thyroid is slowing down again, which means I probably need a still higher dosage of thyroid hormone. Maybe I should ask what they have me on. There's several different thyroid hormones out there and I think I'm only on the one, despite studies suggesting that a mix of thyroid hormone types helps greatly with mood. One would think my doctors would be all over this information if it's true; maybe they don't read the same online crap I do.

Dear God. I just wrote a paragraph about a tiny, malfunctioning gland in my neck. I need a boob joke or something for balance. Um -- bunch o' flowers! Right.

This is a really bad time for me to get all putzy and worn out. I've been accepted into a dorky little community college. I'm going to take summer classes to earn some credits, which I can then tranfer into my old U before returning to actual, honest-to-God classrooms and in-person teacher-student interaction. Bliss! (The community college classes will be online, since the only college in my community is the uni that will not take me unless I earn credits elsewhere. I so love that situation; don't you?) So I need to pick my classes and stay the frick awake long enough to complete homework.

I have an app in at a job that sounds really promising too, in which case I'd be working up to 30 hours a week on top of full-time summer classes. It would be halfway between my house and my mom's, which is super. I'm always shuttling to and fro anyway. Whether I get the job or not, they should call to inform me by the 13th. My fingers are multiply crossed.

"My house" might not be the same location for much longer. Out of my housemates and potential housemates, several people are upset with Sin over some recent debacle I managed to miss. Apparently he's a pompous jackass and they didn't notice until now? People confuse me more each day. He's been as he is all along. Why is that a trouble now?

Sin suggested finding a place to live in a city in the next state, with him and another current housemate. I have no idea how that dovetails with classes at the U; I'm thinking it doesn't at all. I was able to milk it for some sarcasm, at least. I had a ball mock-yelling at people involved, telling them that they were being selfish to put their own needs ahead of my balcony.

I seem to have forgotten how to write in proper English. I keep wanting to interject "heh" or "grr" or other gutteral utterances that have no place in proper literature (or so I've been taught or feel, or some such thing). Something else to fix before classes. Also sentence fragments, but I think of those as a stylistic choice. I doknow better than to use them in formal writing.

I'm technically supposed to be on some roleplay boards, but I'm woefully behind. I suppose I should get a handle on them all before classes begin (and before possible job training begins). So damn tired though. My mind is willing, but my body breeds goosebumps and shyly requests a thick quilt and a pillow. I will at least catch up to write myself out some places if I have to. I owe the other writers at least that much, and in many cases, a great deal more.

I suppose I should get started, but I'm mentally tallying the post count by now. It's not good. It's splendid for the people who can keep atop prolific stories, but man oh man, is it gonna wear me out. I suspect I'll be mewling for rescue inside the hour.

posted by ree at 5:15 A.M.
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